Note - Facebook page for licensed midwives is in construction.
For Midwives
Peer Review
As part of the Board’s annual continuing education requirement, each licensed midwife must participate in peer review activities for a minimum of two (2) hours per year. The purpose of peer review is to enable licensed midwives to retrospectively present and review cases in an effort to further educate themselves about the appropriateness, quality, utilization, and ethical performance of midwifery care. Licensed midwives are responsible for organizing their own peer review sessions. At least three (3) licensed midwives or CPMs must participate in a peer review session in order for the session to count towards a licensed midwife’s annual two-hour peer review activity requirement. Each licensed midwife must make a presentation that must include, without limitation, the following information:
Total number of clients currently in the licensed midwife’s care;
The number of upcoming due dates for clients in the licensed midwife’s practice; iii. The number of women in the licensed midwife’s practice that are postpartum;
The number of births the licensed midwife has been involved with since the last peer review session; and
One (1) or more specific cases arising since the licensed midwife’s last peer review session.
The licensed midwife must present any cases involving serious complications or the transport of a mother or baby to the hospital. The information presented in a peer review session is confidential. The identities of the client, other health care providers, and other persons involved in a case may not be divulged during the peer review session.
Forms and Templates
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Birth Announcement forms
Please send birth announcements to your legislators, they love receiving them from midwives! It connects them directly with what Midwives are doing in their area, and garners their support.
Bring this to peer review!
Licensure of Midwives
With the passage of the midwifery licensure law and its adoption into the Idaho Statutes, midwifery has become a regulated profession in Idaho and all practitioners are required to be licensed by July 1, 2010.
Idaho’s midwifery law may be viewed here. Licensure is administered by the Idaho Division of Occupational and Professional Licenses. Information regarding licensure may be accessed at the DOPL site, dopl.idaho.gov Click on “Midwives” on the left side of the page to view current information on proposed rules, licensure, forms and the like.
As required by law, the Board of Midwifery have written and published rules, which were adopted by the 2010 legislature. The Rules of the Idaho Board of Midwifery may be viewed here, ID Midwifery Rules & Regs.
(from the DOPL Midwifery site)
Starting July 1, 2010, Idaho law requires all midwives to be licensed.
Applicants for licensure must submit a completed application and the following:
Proof of current certification as a CPM by NARM or a successor organization
Documentation of successful completion of board approved MEAC accredited courses in pharmacology, the treatment of shock/IV therapy and suturing specific to midwives
Application Forms
Applications for licensure are now being accepted and forms are available from DOPL. To download application and statistics form, go to the DOPL site, click on “Midwives” to review Idaho Code 54-5507, the qualifications for licensure. You must also review the entire State Licensure Law and State Licensure Rules, available from this page.
Practice Guidelines
The Idaho Midwifery Council has adopted the NACPM Standards for Practice as guidelines for practice of responsible midwifery in Idaho. The Essential Documents of the National Association of Midwives include the following:
Philosophy and Principles of Practice
Scope of Practice for the National Association of Certified Professional Midwives
The Standards of Practice for NACPM Members
The NACPM member works in partnership with each woman she serves.
Midwifery actions are prioritized to optimize well-being and minimize risk, with attention to the individual needs of each woman and baby.
The midwife supports each woman’s right to plan her care according to her needs and desires.
The midwife concludes the caregiving partnership with each woman responsibly.
The NACPM member collects and records the woman’s and baby’s health data, problems, decisions and plans comprehensively throughout the caregiving partnership.
The midwife continuously evaluates and improves her knowledge, skills and practice in her endeavor to provide the best possible care.
The entire document may be viewed here, or may be accessed by from the “Standards for Practice & Archives” page by selecting “NACPM Standards for Practice.
The Midwives Alliance of North America has also published practice guidelines, as reflected in the MANA Core Competencies for Basic Midwifery Practice. This document details the guiding principles of practice; the general knowledge and skills a midwife must possess; care to be given to the woman during pregnancy, labor, birth, and postpartum; care to be given to the newborn infant; professional legal, and other aspects of midwifery; and well woman care and family planning.
The entire document may be found at http://mana.org/about-midwives/professional-standards. Other “essential documents” on standards and qualifications and the like may be viewed on this page as well.